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Hannukah Decoration and Outfit Ideas
Need to bring out a bit of the #Hanukkah spirit? Rabbi Bender has plenty of good decor and outfit suggestions to bring the light of the season to anyone who sees them.
How to make Sufganiyot (Israeli donuts)
What Hanukkah would be complete without Sufganiyot aka Israeli donuts? Rabbi Bender, with an assist from her daughter Shoshie, has the perfect easy recipe for you to make with your loved ones.
The Great Latke Debate: Sour Cream or Applesauce?
Rabbi Karen Bender and family go through the annual Hanukkah debate: are latkes better with sour cream or applesauce?
How to Make Latkes
Latkes are easier to make than you might think. Let Rabbi Bender and her family guide you through how to make Latkes, as well as share information about the Hanukkah treat.