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Meaningful Social Connections & Well-Being Later in Life
Meaningful social connections are essential to our well-being, especially as we age. In this lecture, we will discuss the importance of maintaining strong relationships with friends, family, and community members. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities that come with aging and how social connections can help us navigate these changes. Cost: Free Refreshments and Parking Available RSVP to or call 818.758.5045
Brandman Centers for Senior Care Playing a Pivotal Role for Seniors
From the earliest days of the pandemic, the Brandman Centers for Senior Care (BCSC), a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), distinguished itself as one of the jewels in the crown of the Los Angeles Jewish Home. While many other, similar programs across the country closed their doors as COVID-19 reached crisis proportions, BCSC took all of the extra safety steps required to stay open, ensuring vulnerable seniors had ongoing access to the center, as well as critical care through the clinic, rehabilitation services and much more.
Love Conquers All: Los Angeles Jewish Health Couples Share Their Stories for Love and Friendship Day
We asked a variety of happy couples who live at the Jewish Home to share their insights into what makes a relationship succeed.