Hospice Services

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A Nonprofit Program of LAJHealth

Hospice Services

Skirball Hospice provides compassionate end-of-life care, enabling individuals, their families and loved ones to overcome fear and discomfort, cope with loss, and embrace the experience and the value of every day of life.

Confronting a life-limiting illness is stressful and no one should face it alone. Skirball Hospice brings comfort and care to adults in the greater Los Angeles area, allowing the person to spend the last stages of their life at home in a familiar, reassuring environment with family, friends, and their loving pets. We support and assist individuals, their families and caregivers with compassion and clinical expertise.

Skirball Hospice

To learn more about Skirball Hospice, please call 818.774.3040 or click the link below Visit website

At a Glance: Care & Services Offered

At Skirball Hospice, we consider our work more than a job—it is a calling. We have tailored our program in areas including:

Accredited Hospice with the Community Healthcare Accreditation Partner (CHAP)
Fulltime Hospice and Palliative Care Board Certified Physicians
Around-the-clock access to quality care
Higher staff-to-patient ratios than most other hospices
Timely delivery of medications, equipment and supplies
While serving community members of any faith, ethnicity, or culture, we have a spiritual counselor team available to all.

The Process

Our hospice team partners with patients and families to develop a personalized plan of care to meet their specific needs. The care plan is tailored to one's priorities and values, considering their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

An interdisciplinary hospice staff including: doctors; nurses; chaplains; medical social workers; certified home health aides; and volunteers, work closely as an integrated team. Our after-hours team members are also available to make home visits whenever a difficulty arises, and we actively respond to changes that develop during weekends or overnight.

Let Us Help.

Talk to our experienced senior living counselors. Call 855.227.3745

Is It Too Early to Consider Hospice?

Hospice care is not curative in goals and treatments. We do not seek to prolong life beyond its natural course, nor does our involvement hasten death in any way. Referrals are usually made when a life-limiting condition is believed to be advancing, when medical intervention has reached its maximum benefit, and when you or your representative decide to focus on maintaining comfort and symptom management rather than curative treatment. Admission to hospice is voluntary and intended for the last six months of life. Your prognosis is reviewed regularly, and you may discontinue hospice if your condition has stabilized or you decide to pursue additional treatment. We support and uphold your familial, religious, and cultural practices, serving community members of all faiths, ethnicities, and cultures. We believe you should come to the end of life with freedom from pain and in loving comfort, combining the power of choice with peace and dignity.

What Types of Care Does Hospice Provide?

Routine home care provides you and your primary caregiver with supportive, intermittent visits from the interdisciplinary team, as well as supplies, equipment, medications, instruction and critical emotional and spiritual support as outlined in the hospice plan of care. These services are available both on a scheduled basis and as needed. We work to address your unique circumstances to access the resources required.

Respite care is designed to give the family or primary caregiver a brief period of respite while the patient receives hospice care in an inpatient setting. This service is provided in a nursing facility and can last up to five days. General inpatient care is the most intensive level of care designed for short-term stays in an inpatient setting for acute pain and symptom management, which cannot be provided in another setting with the goal of returning home on routine home care.

Crisis care (Continuous Care) is a short-term provision for extended visits, a minimum of eight hours or more of daily nursing care. These visits can be continuous or broken up within a 24-hour period and provided in your home or care facility when it is deemed necessary by the team for acute symptom management or in the face of a family crisis. Crisis care aims to stabilize your condition or family situation and then return to routine home care.

Did You Know:

  • Hospice care neither hastens death nor prolongs life — we allow nature to take its course by making everyone as comfortable as possible given their circumstances.
  • We are open to people of all faiths and beliefs.
  • We provide care for individuals wherever they call home whether in a private home, or community home.
  • Bereavement support and volunteer services are offered to all of our patients and families.
  • Between 110-120 patients and families receive support from the Skirball hospice team daily.
  • Skirball hospice works with various payers including Medicare, Medi-Cal and most private insurances. As a not-for-profit agency no one is ever denied service because of an inability to pay.
  • Admission to hospice is voluntary.
Forms and Downloads

Hospice Care Information

Thank you for your interest in Skirball Hospice. Please review the downloadable forms below.

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