October is National Physical Therapy Month!
October is National Physical Therapy Month!
National Physical Therapy Month is commemorated each October by the American Physical Therapy Association. The goal of this month-long celebration is to raise awareness of the important role physical therapists and physical therapy assistants play in helping people decrease pain, improve mobility, and engage in healthy lifestyles.
A physical therapist is a trained and licensed medical professional specializing in diagnosing physical abnormalities, maintaining and restoring mobility, and promoting physical activity and function.
Licensed physical therapists work in a variety of healthcare settings including outpatient offices, private practices, hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes, home health, sports and fitness settings, schools, hospices, occupational settings, government agencies, research centers…and the Los Angeles Jewish Home.
Physical therapists treat a wide range of medical conditions: sports-related injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, neurological disorders, and much more.
Physical therapy is particularly beneficial for seniors, especially after they've had a stroke, knee or hip replacement or other surgery, or are recovering from a fall.
Are you in pain? Do you need a licensed physical therapist? Ask your doctor to refer you to the Los Angeles Jewish Home. Noah S. Marco, M.D., Jewish Home Chief Medical Officer, says, "We offer a wide range of physical therapy programs, including therapeutic exercise and fitness training, massage, and thermal therapy. All in a comforting, welcoming environment. We'll help get you back on your feet."
To learn more about physical therapy at the Jewish Home, please call our Connections to Care® hotline at (855) 227-3745.