High Holy Days: A Time of Reflection and Promise
High Holy Days: A Time of Reflection and Promise
As we prepare for the High Holy Days, we reflect on the past and look toward the future. At the Los Angeles Jewish Home, we use the strong foundation of our history to build a bright future for our residents and their families.
This year has brought about big changes for the Home, particularly at our Grancell Village campus. In August, we completed demolition of approximately half of our Grancell campus. This is the first step to expanding our capacity to serve seniors in need of housing with assisted living, memory care, a community clinic and more.
While the change will ultimately result in an expansion of programs and services, it means the Home is unable to accommodate family members for High Holy Days services and meals at Grancell Village. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and the interruption in what is a long-standing tradition at the Home.
At Eisenberg Village, family members and guests are welcome to join their loved ones for services and meals throughout the High Holy Days. Services will be led by Rabbi Ron Goldberg and Cantor Joel Stern in the Ziman Family Synagogue. Please contact Allison Tepper at (818) 774-3386 or [email protected] for more information. Tickets must be purchased by September 13th.
At Grancell Village, residents and rehab patients will have the option of attending our mainstream services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur or a liturgical musical High Holy Days experience. All will be under the direction of Rabbi Karen Bender, director of spiritual life for the Jewish Home.
On behalf of the Los Angeles Jewish Home and our residents, we wish you a healthy and happy New Year!
L'Shana Tova!