Chanukah at Los Angeles Jewish Health Shined Brighter Than Ever This Year

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Chanukah at Los Angeles Jewish Health Shined Brighter Than Ever This Year

Jan 3, 2024

By Rabbi Karen Bender, Chief Mission Officer at Los Angeles Jewish Health

When I arrived at Los Angeles Jewish Health almost a decade ago and Chanukah was soon approaching, I set out to purchase the largest Chanukah menorah that I could find. I decided this holiday should feel like an extravaganza. There would be joy, surprise, celebration, laughter, and of course, the spectacular and inspiring lights of the largest Chanukah menorah around. Our residents deserved the best.

This year, with the struggles of our brethren in Israel, and even rising antisemitism here in the United States, would we do anything differently? Yes, we would rejoice with even more depth and joy and enthusiasm. After all, like Israel’s courageous soldiers who are fighting on the front lines of the Jewish People today, the Maccabees fought for our right to practice and celebrate Judaism. We honor the courage of both by being brave enough to rejoice. Indeed, our residents deserve it.

The first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, once said, “In Israel in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” As our brothers and sisters in Israel still struggle to bring the light, we brought the miracle of joy and hope to our residents this past Chanukah like never before. After all, the primary theme of Chanukah is the unwavering faith in miracles, as the second blessing of the holiday says, “she-asah nisim l’avoteinu” thanking G-d for the miracles made for our ancestors at this season in those days.

Here at Los Angeles Jewish Health, we of course provide tradition with the intent of stimulating wonderful memories. It is our fervent belief, as well, that extraordinary memories can and are made here. Perhaps the most exciting Chanukah of a person’s life has not yet happened but will happen soon and will happen here.

This year our residents enjoyed a concert with a prominent and highly esteemed local musician, Cindy Paley and a Klezmer group performed traditional folk music. There was traditional singing throughout the holiday. In addition, groups of children from various organizations came to enhance the holiday for all of our residents. The residents also participated in an olive oil and balsamic tasting while learning about Chanukah on a serious adult level. They received new colorful dreidels and chocolate gelt coins. They enjoyed not only potato latkas but also latkas of various vegetable influences, thanks to our creative dietary department leadership. They enjoyed Chanukah cookies and not only regular sufganiyot but also kosher Krispy Kreme jelly donuts. They lit lights and sang blessings as a large community, grateful, each of them, to not be alone these eight nights but on the contrary, to be surrounded by a loving community of peers and caring staff.

They laughed in delight when I showed up dressed as a dreidel one day, as a menorah another, wearing a head to toe Chanukah outfit the next and Chanukah glasses another.

Rabbi Ron Goldberg at the Eisenberg Village Campus describes how the eyes of the residents in our memory care unit lit up as they remembered the words of songs and sang along. He describes gathering everyone around the beautiful outdoor chanukiah, the Chanukah menorah, where together they could safely light real fire, like our ancestors.

Our ancestral rabbis were well aware that Chanukah takes place near the winter solstice during the darkest days of the year and they set out to pierce the darkness and illuminate their world. The metaphor was not lost on them nor is it on us, especially this year, that we can all be a light in the darkness. Nothing brings more light than the smiles on the faces of the precious seniors we serve.

Ben Gurion had another famous saying: “Anyone who believes you can’t change history has never tried to write his memoirs.” For all of you out there who choose to support the sacred work of Los Angeles Jewish Health with your time and resources, please know that you are changing history by enhancing the history and lives of our remarkable residents, participants and patients. Know that if you were to ever write a memoir about your own life you can proudly include the indisputable fact that you have generously enhanced the lives of the elderly in your generation.

For more pictures of Chanukah 2023 at Los Angeles Jewish Health CLICK HERE

Chanukah at Brandman Centers
Chanukah at Fountainview at Eisenberg Village
Chanukah at Fountainview at Gonda Westside
Donuts for Chanukah
Chanukah at Newman Building
Chanukah at Taper Building

For more pictures of Chanukah 2023 at Los Angeles Jewish Health CLICK HERE

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Judy Friedman-Rudzki Elected Board Chair of Los Angeles Jewish Health

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It’s when times are difficult that you must call upon your leadership skills and experience to take on the tough work required in order to reach the goals and results you desire.What are you most proud of during your three terms?Again, getting us through COVID, but also being part of the team that hired Dale Surowitz as CEO/president of LAJH. Replacing Molly after her retirement was a monumental task, but we certainly succeeded when we chose Dale as the next CEO. I am also proud of the hard work we did to ensure LAJH is more financially sound to become a stronger organization able to meet the needs of our seniors. Other important work was spearheading the rebranding of LAJH. It was time, and the new name better reflects where we are and where we are going as an organization. It did not come without concern by some at first, because change after so long can be challenging, but life is change.I am so proud to have served as an ambassador of LAJH, participating in many of the events and functions over the years. And I’m pleased we have made progress with those who are becoming involved in volunteer leadership roles. We have diversified the board, focusing on more intergenerational membership, and I am so proud to be passing the chair of the board baton to Judy Freidman-Rudzki, who I believe will only be the second woman chair in our history.What words of advice do you have for Judy Friedman-Rudzki as she takes the torch for LAJH?Be a great ambassador for the organization and be an inspirational and motivational leader. Lead with integrity, passion, and complete transparency. Don’t do what may be the popular thing; do what you feel is the right thing.Do you plan to stay involved with LAJH moving forward?Yes, of course. I will always be a volunteer. Specifically, in addition to my role as immediate past chair of the board, I am serving as endowment co-chair along with Dick Ziman and Jeff Glassman. In addition, I will serve as Co-chair of Generation to Generation (G2G), a donor support group. I will also continue leading my weekly gathering of the men’s discussion group from the Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer Medical Center. Each week, we meet in the courtyard and talk about current events and other stimulating topics. It’s always great to hear from those who have blazed the trail for all of us.If you had one wish for Los Angeles Jewish Health, what would it be? My greatest wish would be to establish a very healthy endowment fund. To continue to ensure long-term success and sustainability, we must have a healthy endowment. It is important that we have this financial cushion because it takes the weight off us as we continuously work to meet the needs of a rapidly growing senior population who will rely on us in even greater numbers in the future.I believe in this organization, in fact, I call it my passion. I see the results of everyone’s hard work and dedication every time I visit the campus. Berman led by example throughout the COVID-19 pandemicBerman leads the JEK men's discussion groupBerman was honored at the 2023 Circle of Life Gala
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