7 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Health in the Coming Year
7 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Health in the Coming Year
Goodbye, 2017. Hello, 2018. It’s time to make your New Year’s resolutions.
For many of us, the resolutions are often the same each year: quit smoking, exercise more, eat healthier. All very worthwhile. And we wholeheartedly support them!
Following are additional resolutions that can help improve your health in the coming year.
1. Get your check-ups
Visit your doctor to get your annual check-ups: physical, dental, vision. Don’t put them off.
2. Lose weight
Probably the most popular resolution of all. But difficult to keep. You start strong by losing weight in the first few weeks, but then fade—and the pounds return. How to keep the pounds off? Use a food journal to keep track of what you eat. And have a support system in place—people you can count on to you get through the rough spots and back on your diet.
3. Reduce stress
Chronic stress can increase your risk of heart disease, depression, insomnia, obesity, and other conditions. Relieve stress by socializing with friends and family, taking vacations, and doing things you love, such as gardening or playing music.
4. Sleep more
A lack of sleep has been linked to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And sleep is crucial for keeping memories strong. So sleep long. Sleep often. And don’t feel guilty about napping.
5. Drink less
Drinking alcohol in excess affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and can increase the risk of depression, memory loss, or even seizures. Chronic heavy drinking boosts your risk of liver and heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and mental deterioration, and even cancers of the mouth, throat, liver, and breast.
6. Get in shape
Begin an exercise routine—whether it’s going to the gym, walking, swimming. Whatever suits you. Of course, check with your physician before starting.
7. Special resolutions for seniors
Seniors often require specialized healthcare. If you or a senior you love needs help, call on the Los Angeles Jewish Home. We deliver care that is comprehensive, customized, and compassionate. When it is a question of senior care, the answer is the Jewish Home.
The Jewish Home has produced an inspiring new video featuring seniors sharing their resolutions for 2018. Click below to watch it now.
The end of the year is the perfect time to begin planning how to meet your health needs in the coming year. If you resolve to keep these six resolutions, you will be taking important steps toward improved health in 2018!